Determine the Width and Height of the Text...
CDC::GetTextExtent and CDC::GetTabbedTextExtent functions enable an application to determine the width, in logical units, of a string of characters rendered in a proportional font. (Use GetTabbedTextExtent if the string contains tab characters.) Given a character position n, you can compute the corresponding caret position by calling GetTextExtent or GetTabbedTextExtent to find the cumulative width of the first n characters. If the string "Hello, world" is displayed at the position specified by a CPoint object named point and dc is a device context object, the following statements position the caret between the "w" and "o" in "world":
CSize size = dc.GetTextExtent (_T ("Hello, w"), 8);
SetCaretPos (CPoint (point.x +, point.y));
GetTextExtent returns a CSize object whose cx and cy members reflect the string's width and height.
CSize size = dc.GetTextExtent (_T ("Hello, w"), 8);
SetCaretPos (CPoint (point.x +, point.y));
GetTextExtent returns a CSize object whose cx and cy members reflect the string's width and height.
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